Laura · September 9, 2022 at 11:51 am

Loved those ceilings, the very grand staircase, ALL of the stained glass and the ducks. Did you get to the North End, Old Ironsides, Paul Revere home etc? My cousin was a trainer for girls sports at BC until recent retirement and Abbey and I spent a few days there and enjoyed it.

    Jane Appel · September 9, 2022 at 12:17 pm

    Incredible amount and quality of art in the Massachusetts State House. We toured Boston and Harbor in 2012 ahead of Hurricane Sandy–Guided walk on the Freedom Trail, Bunker Hill, etc. and then rented a car and drove a loop through Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Western Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. By the time we got back to Boston, Sandy’s landfall was imminent and the hotel was sold out. We had reservations so they put us in the presidential suite–on points! Then we had to stay two more days at our own expense ($300 a night if I remember right) because flights were cancelled. Our Spirit flights to Boston were $9 each; our flights home were significantly more than that. Quite the memorable trip!

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