June 15-17, 2022
The Capitol
The West Virginia capitol was designed by architect Casa Gilbert who also designed the Woolworth building in New York as well as the Minnesota and Arkansas capitols. Construction was begun in 1924 and proceeded in three phases: The west building, the east building and the main building. Construction was complete in 1932. Total cost of the capitol was $9,491,180.

No doubt our readers have been on pins and needles wondering about West Virginia’s oldest cache. We are pretty sure it’s just where it’s always been, but we decided not to drive over two hours and then rent an all terrain vehicle for a 5 1/2 hour trek on the Hatfield-McCoy Trail. Age has its privileges.
We did check out a wine cellar that was in operation three years before the Civil War broke out. Once the war started the demand for wine ceased and the cellars were never used again.