June 2, 2016

Our priority for Charleston was Fort Sumter–and it included a boat ride! Jane had visited the site in the 1960s and remembered the boat ride and the fact that the fort was somehow involved in the first shots fired during the Civil War.

Actually, construction on the fort was begun in 1829 but the facility was never completed.

The fort sustained significant damage through the Civil War years and was rebuilt only to a part of its original height. As the Spanish-American War loomed in 1898 a concrete bunker was built inside the old walls. It never saw military action and shortly thereafter, permanent installations like Fort Sumter were deemed ineffective and obsolete.

Castle Pinckney in Charleston Harbor

Castle Pinckney in Charleston Harbor

Fort Sumter as designed

Fort Sumter as designed


Passenger ferry from Charleston to Fort Sumter

Passenger ferry from Charleston to Fort Sumter

Fort interior

Fort interior


Cannon in Fort Sumter

Cannon in Fort Sumter

The fort with concrete bunker

The fort with concrete bunker

Categories: Travel


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