May 7, 2018
Dr. Jon Kardatzke started collecting coins when he was 16. His hobby grew and he and his wife Lorna traveled and broadened the collection. They established the Museum of World Treasures in 2001 to share and preserve the items they had acquired. Today visitors to the museum can see the efforts of over 200 collectors.
The museum contains an amazing variety of artifacts. We’ll share a sample of objects we found interesting and of which we were able to get a recognizable photograph. The autographs–every President, Elizabeth I, the Beatles, and Richard Wagner to name a few–didn’t photograph well.


Amethyst geode

Guitar fish fossil, 97 million years ago

Dave next to a femur of a Tyrannosaurus rex

Tyrannosaurus rex

Allosaurus skull

Mastadon molar

Mammoth molar

Oldowan stone tool, 2.6-1.7 million years ago

Acheulean stone tool, 1.7 million years ago

Marble eye statues from Syria, 3500-3100 B.C.

Peace cone, 2450-2375 B.C.

Milk bowl from Cyprus, 1600-1200 B.C.

Etruscan youth head, 600 B.C.

Greek goddess Medusa, 450 B.C.

Statue of Buddha

Fragment of a column from the site of Julius Caesar’s assassination, 49-44 B.C.

Roman copper coins, 300 A.D.

Iron blade, 800-900

Copador bowl from Honduras, 800-900

Incan silver burial figurine, 1200-1532

Cloth was made by Chimu culture of Ecuador or Peru and used for burials around 1000-1476. During the 1800’s, dolls were made from the cloth for the tourist trade.

Cribbage board from the U.S. Civil War

General George S. Custer’s undergarments

Cold single-action revolver

Trophy head, Nazca culture, Peru, around 1900

Ibo mask, Nigeria, about 1900

A hat worn by Desi Arnez on “I Love Lucy”

Lucille Ball’s pearls

Marilyn Monroe’s gloves, purse, necklace, bracelet, and leopard trimmed hat

Hat worn by Harry Morgan (Colonel Potter) on M*A*S*H
As you can see, the exhibits in the museum were varied and eclectic.
Jay Waters · June 2, 2018 at 7:59 am
Looks like a lot of people cleaned out their closets!
Susan · June 2, 2018 at 8:38 am
I wonder who would have decided it was a good idea to collect Custer’s undergarments?
Madhuri Land · June 2, 2018 at 12:32 pm
Madhuri Land · June 2, 2018 at 12:36 pm
I love the fossils and minerals!!
And, interesting old artifacts. I have some white leather gloves of my grandmother’s if anyone collects such items. Approx. 100 years old.