We loved our site at Granite Lake RV Resort in Clarkston, Washington. We were lucky enough to have a spot on the Snake River–it kind of made up for the stargazer resort that didn’t have a dark sky and the riverview park that had no view of the river.
The hazy skies are due to the smoke from forest fires in the area.From the left, look for a bush, a white van and silver us. We think the graphic under the windshield of our cab looks like a smile.
Geocaching adventures took us to an interesting variety of places.
The red stripe is a layer of ash that fell between basalt flows.Along the Snake RiverLewiston, Idaho on the left is across the Snake River from Clarkston, Washington. It’s population is about 40,000 compared with 7,000 for Clarkston.Lewiston City HallLight outside Lewiston City HallStaircase inside Lewiston City Hall.Administration building at the University of Idaho in Moscow.A number of trees were planted by famous people on the grounds of the University of Idaho. Other trees were planted by Eleanor Roosevelt, Charles Curtis (Vice President), and William Howard Taft.The mascot for Washington State University in Pullman is a cougar. This car attracts diners to an auto-themed restaurant.We found some fossils at one geocache site beside a highway.This unusual steam engine was made by Heisler Locomotive Works i n 1924. It has a gear box and differential. The pistons are perpendicular to the engine where normally pistons parallel the engine.We noticed some Arizona caching friends had preceded us to a cache.View of the Clearwater River
This was the 1994 Idaho Champion Big Tree of the English Oak species.Genesee Valley Lutheran Church
Finally, we want to share with you the story of Charlotte May Pierstoff who was not quite six years old when her parents mailed her from Grangeville, Idaho to her grandparents in Lewiston, Idaho, a distance of 73 miles. The postage was less than a dollar, and Charlotte rode on the train in the mail car with postage stamps attached to the collar of her jacket.
Lewiston train station (now attorneys’ offices).Charlotte’s grave
August 4, 2022 Vermont’s oldest geocache was closer to our campground near Albany, New York than our campground near Montpelier, Vermont so we treated it separately from other Vermont geocaches. Besides, it was harder to Read more…