August 23, 2017
The Iowa State Capitol was complted in 1886 of brick faced with limestone, granite and sandstone. Its dome is covered in gold leaf so thin that 250,000 sheets would have to be pressed together to make a stack an inch tall.
The rotunda inside features an emblem of the G.A.R., the Grand Army of the Republic as a reminder of Iowa’s efforts to preserve the Union during the Civil War.
The first floor includes a scale model of the battleship the U.S.S. Iowa and one of her 1,000 pounds ships bells.
A display case houses dolls costumed as Iowa first ladies in their inaugural gowns.
The Grand Stairway is made of marble and granite. 29 types of marble were used in the Capitol.
Westward, a mural above the staircase depicts pioneers on their journey.
Above the mural are six glass mosaics: Defense, Charities, Education, and the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches.
On a higher level around the rotunda are statues of History, Science, Law, Fame, Literature, Industry, Peace, Commerce, Agriculture, Victory, Truth and Progress. These statues flank half moon paintings called lunettes: Hunting, Herding, Agriculture, the Forge, Commerce, Education, Science and Art.
The view from higher in the in the rotunda is stunning.
The Supreme Court chambers feature a mahogany bench carved by a man in his early twenties.
Justices deliberated in an adjacent conference room with a ceiling painted to mimic plaster relief.
The State Library of Iowa contains four tiers of law books and two ribbon-like spiral staircases.
The Senate chamber includes lots of marble, gold paint, and exquisite lighting.
The House chamber features a skylight and chairs for elected official and their staff.
The quality of work throughout the building was impressive as seen in pictures of two other staircases.