Fishlake is one of the largest natural alpine lakes in Utah. It is 175 feet deep and features trophy fishing including Mackinaw trout up to 25 pounds. We took a circular route through the Fishlake National Forest to see the area for ourselves.

Fishlake itself was clear and clean.

The Pando Grove is one single organism of 47,000 Quaking Aspen trees. Each tree is a stem of a massive single clone with one root system. It covers over 100 acres and weighs over 6,000 tons and is one of the oldest living organisms in existence. By the way, Pando is Latin for “I spread”.

Chris And Christine Mcclure · May 13, 2021 at 11:02 pm
Hope you guys are having fun. That looks awesome. Can’t wait to see you guys again
Jay Waters · May 14, 2021 at 1:45 pm
That Quaking Aspen is awesome. If you’re very quiet, can you hear it talking to itself? It must take a lot of attention to keep it’s 100 acre self organized and on track.
Alice Mcgregor · May 26, 2021 at 2:40 pm
Isn’t Pando Grove the LARGEST LIVING THING in the WORLD? AND YOU SAW IT? I am SO impressed!
Susan · May 27, 2021 at 3:33 pm
I thought Dave was trying to float the teeth on that horse or see if he was sick!