April 6, 2019
It’s time for a serious update. Our last post was five months ago–and it was about our travels three months before that. We have not spent the intervening months in Stewart, B.C. snowed in. We made our way 4000 miles south to Arizona where we spent an enjoyable winter, occasionally feeling guilty because we weren’t writing any blog entries but more often searching for a geocache, learning Native American-inspired flute, and, oftentimes, doing nothing.
We want to continue the blog because we think it’s a good way not only to share with others what we’ve experienced but also to serve as a scrapbook/photo album for ourselves. We’re going to see if we can catch up and stay caught up with streamlined entries–less history and context. If anyone would like more detail, send a comment and we’ll amplify.
Here we go–again!
1 Comment
Susaan · April 10, 2019 at 1:20 am
Looking forward to seeing your new updates. Glad you are back on the road