Faithful followers will assume that we have spent the past two years in Salem, Oregon where this blog last found us. A lot has happened since then (of course), the most significant of which (for our purposes anyway) was that writing the blog was less fun than having fun. Here is a try at keeping up to date.
We left Casa Grande yesterday, absolutely exhausted from closing up the house (that’s a story for a catch-up entry) and getting the RV packed and otherwise ready to roll. Two days was not enough! We managed to get on the road by 8:30 and headed up I-10 to I-17 in Flagstaff, AZ. Although it’s been as high as 97 degrees in Casa Grande this month, it’s still winter in Flagstaff.

The drive from Flagstaff north to Page on US 89 was not one of Kaela the cat’s favorites–rough, curvy, and wavy. Jane felt a little queasy herself when she wasn’t looking up and even Dave complained about the bumps. BUT, Jane and Dave were able to appreciate the stunning landscape (Kaela’s in a travel crate). ALL of these shots were taken through the windshield or passenger window as we were moving.

We arrived at the campground about six miles north of Page and were delighted to find it was located in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and that we had a view of Lake Powell. We set off on adventures.
First we completed a Geocaching Earthcache. This slab of Kayenta sandstone was moved from a side canyon in the area and contains 170 million year old footprints of a Dilophosaurus. The dinosaur weighed one ton and was 20 feet long.

We picked up another cache nearby. It was called, appropriately, Lizard Lounge.

We snapped some pictures of the Colorado River, Glen Canyon dam, Lake Powell behind the dam, and the bridge from the Visitor Center and a nearby overlook.

The scenic overlook led us down beautifully rippled and banded sandstone.

It was nearing sunset, so we headed back to the campground, capturing this image of Lake Powell on the way.

Joette · April 29, 2021 at 9:17 pm
Great to be reading your adventures again!
Nancy Appel · April 29, 2021 at 9:37 pm
Wonderful pictures. I’m so excited to be joining you guys soon on this adventure.
Kathy · April 30, 2021 at 12:09 am
Beautiful pics/scenery. Glad to be getting the emails of your great adventures. I just mentioned the other day that I wondered what happened to Jane and Dave. Glad to know your both good and safe. Covid has been challenging in itself. Take care & happy trails 😊
Madhuri Land · April 30, 2021 at 3:30 pm
What wonderful pictures!! I love the topography. All the colors and patterns. Just beautiful.
I feel like I am there with you from the text and pictures.
The written portion is so well done that we get all the important points and it’s fun to read. You guys are amazing.
Have fun and keep us informed as you go. It’s the only traveling I can do these days. Much love to you both!
Susan · May 1, 2021 at 10:20 am
Great photos. I love the red sandstone and the lake which is so beautiful. Is that RV in the pictures yours? or someone else? It will be fun having you meet up with your brother and Nancy. Looking forward to seeing more of your travel photos and your blogs
Jane Appel · May 1, 2021 at 5:21 pm
The RV I think you mean is ours. Silver, black and white stripes with the Jeep in front? Thanks for your comments!
Laura · July 15, 2021 at 11:38 am
Gorgeous pictures. As you can see, I’m catching up from April.