June 8-June 10, 2016

Jane’s niece Cindy Jeffes lives in the Philadelphia area and we wasted no time before getting together.  We set up the RV about 1 p.m. and met Cindy in nearby Doylestown at Fonthill Castle at 2:30.  This poured-in-place concrete structure was built by Henry Chapman Mercer, an archeologist and tile-maker, in 1912.  It includes 44 rooms, 18 fireplaces, and built-in furniture.  It is decorated with tiles designed by Mercer, ceramics and artifacts he collected as an archeologist.  Sadly, no photos were allowed inside.


Cindy, husband Rich and children Luke and Rosie treated us to delicious home cooking and we enjoyed a walk around their neighborhood in Hatboro.

IMG_6778Cindy and Jane.  Cindy’s mom Joy grew the roses, presumably without knowing what outfit Jane would wear.

Jane and Dave visited Valley Forge, headquarters for the Continental Army during the winter of 1777-78.

Version 2National Memorial Arch erected in 1910 to commemorate the arrival of the Continental Army at Valley Forge.  The inscription reads: Naked and starving as they are we cannot enough admire the incomparable Patience and Fidelity of the Soldiery–George Washington

Version 2George Washington slept here.  Really.

Version 2This statue of George Washington by Jean-Antoine Houdon was completed around 1791 and contains Greco-Roman and American symbols.  Washington, although dressed in military uniform, carries a civilian cane, not a sword.  A plowshare at the base represents his love of agriculture and peace.  The bundle of 13 rods is a Roman symbol for civil authority.

After the visit to Valley Forge, we were happy to welcome Cindy and Rosie to the coach where we introduced them to the last of our home-grown papayas.



Categories: Travel

1 Comment

Kathy Rubien · July 16, 2016 at 10:51 am

Love the roses and perfect matching blouse go figure…pretty cool. I’m getting one heck of a history education. U will have to test me when u get hm lol!! Nice pic of u Dave & Rosie. U all look sooo happy its awesome.

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