May 16, 2021
Today we went three fun places. We won’t talk much about the third one–we expect our readers know Wal-Mart, but it was fun since we haven’t been in a place big enough to have that kind of store in two weeks.
Marble Park, Bothwell, Utah
Boyd Marble’s wife occasionally asked him when he was going to do something about their messy gravel pit. He decided to build a park on it to commemorate the pioneers and he cut out these words on 3-foot metal discs at its entrance: “Displayed in this old gravel pit is some of the devices and implements that man invented for the horses to pull. . . In honor and appreciation for the man, the woman and the horses who through sacrifice, struggle and strife tilled and tamed a wilderness that we may enjoy a more abundant life.”

Marble built play equipment for kids young and older:

A collection of metal art highlights Utah history on two sides of the park.

Rocket Garden near Corinne, Utah
Northrop Grumman maintains a facility for building and testing rockets that stretches for miles and includes what we think are bunkers, buildings with escape slides, rocket testing sites, and large manufacturing and administrative buildings. A number of historic rockets, missiles, engines, and casings are on display in a garden open to the public.

susan · May 27, 2021 at 3:46 pm
I love the rockets especially knowing Jeff Ashby was a pilot.
Laura · June 15, 2021 at 6:45 am
Love that last pic of you with the geocache.