Travertine limestone is formed when hot underground water dissolves minerals, rises to the surface through cracks, and then evaporates or cools leaving the minerals behind. The hot springs we visited began forming 10,000 years ago and are actively growing. The longest is 850 feet long and 15 feet tall. We are including a lot of photos because we liked the colors, patterns, and textures.
August 4, 2022 Vermont’s oldest geocache was closer to our campground near Albany, New York than our campground near Montpelier, Vermont so we treated it separately from other Vermont geocaches. Besides, it was harder to Read more…
Alice Mcgregor · October 25, 2021 at 12:59 am
There’s a wonderful bizarre beauty in these patterns! The scalloped water is gorgeous and the last photos reek of 70s interior design!
Susan · October 25, 2021 at 11:47 am
Love all the layering and color in the rocks